National Cheng Kung University Hospital


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Words from the Superintendent Annual report About NCKUH Organization General Status Pre-registration Smart Hospital News Health education
* General Status
Medical Education and Training
Biomedical Research
Medical Service
Medical Service Quality
Characteristics of Hospital Management
International Medical Service
::: Home > General Status > Medical Education and Training
Medical Education and Training
* 1. Educational Activities
To provide clinical teaching and practice for students of medicine, nursing, medical technology, and rehabilitation majors of the medical college.
To provide clinical practice for students of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, rehabilitation, radiology,nutrition, medical technology, medical administrative management, public health, and psychology majors from other colleges and universities.
To provide clinical teaching and practice for students of medicine, nursing, medical technology, and rehabilitation majors of the medical college.
‧To train medical personnel from adjacent medical institutions to upgrade the standard of medical service regionwide.
‧To provide certifying specialists training programs for physicians assigned by the Department of Health.
‧To establish mutual aid agreement with affiliated medical institutions to offer specialists training programs.
To invite external experts and distinguished guest lecturers to address updates or conduct workshops at ward, division, or department meetings.
‧To provide continuing medical education for medical professionals in southern Taiwan.
‧To consolidate clinical medical education in small groups.
In accordance with the Teaching Clinics Act issued by the Department of Health, the teaching clinics in each department are expanded for interns and residents.
*  2. Educational Facilities
The Medical Library To facilitate teaching and research, the NCKU Medical Center Library provides teachers and students access to a wide variety of offerings: books, journals, electronic resources (E-journals, computerized CD-ROM databases, reference works and indexes, internet search engines), and inter-library loan services.
The Auditorium Major conferences and meetings are held in Cheng-Shing Hall, accommodating 600 seats. Two 225-seat, two 132-seat conference halls, and several 50-seat discussion rooms are available for seminars and other academic activities.
‧Discussion Rooms Each ward station has a discussion room for staff meetings and case discussion.
Computerization All departments are computerized and have access to the Internet. The computers in the doctors' offices are connected to the main computer of the Medical Information Center to make possible medical record consultation and statistics search. Under construction is an electronic medical record system.

No.138,Sheng Li Road,Tainan, Taiwan 704, R.O.C.   Tel:886-6-2353535
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